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Tag Archives: The Prodigy

Narcotic Voodoo – Prodigy Tribute Mix (SS Part 1 of 2) — Mixed by I AM SUNDAY
Time: 37:34

Tags: Breakbeat / Techno / Electronic / Rave / DnB /
Features: Originals, Remixes, B-Sides, Demos, Rarities, White Labels, Cut-Ups and More.

From the age of 14 upto around 18/19, I didn’t listen to/buy music, I listened to/bought The Prodigy; I was a ‘one man band’ ( So to speak ), Influenced by the influx of pirate radio and the warehouse scene that was happening at the time in our area. 19 years since the release of ‘What Evil Lurks’ in 1991, they’re still doing gigs and still releasing new material. So ok, my musical taste has broadened/changed tenfold since then, however there’s no denying the nostalgia that listening to their first couple of albums conjures up for me.

So heres the first part of my tribute mix; If you weren’t into that scene or have no love for the Prodigy in ‘any’ era, this probably isn’t for you.



I’m still undecided with the new album. I’ll quietly admit its a grower, yet overall it seems all too familiar, with some tracks just presenting “poor mans” versions of tracks made many years ago; However, despite my slightly disappointed opinion of “Invaders Must Die”, as a career long fan, I still find them totally fascinating. An interesting article with Wonderland here.


(Edit) memories / memories